For the fifth consecutive year, Towson University will conduct its Stuff-a-Bus food and toy drive to benefit the Food Bank of Maryland and Toys for Tots.
For the fifth consecutive year, Towson University will conduct its Stuff-a-Bus food and toy drive to benefit the Food Bank of Maryland and Toys for Tots.
This year’s theme is “In the Spirit of Giving.”
“The annual Stuff-a-Bus toy drive is one of TU’s biggest charity efforts,” says Patrick Young, drive chairman and TU veterans services coordinator.
Drop-off boxes, wrapped in holiday paper and marked “Toys for Tots,” can be found across campus and a collection bus will be parked outside Enrollment Services on Osler Drive, Dec. 3-7 from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. The bus will also park in front of the University Union on Thursday, Dec. 13, to collect donations during the holiday reception for faculty and staff.
As in seasons past, this year will also feature a benefit concert by the Ken Ebo Jazz Orchestra to be held Sunday, Dec. 9 at 7 p.m. in the Center for the Arts Harold J. Kaplan Concert Hall. Admission for the event is one food item or one new, unwrapped toy.
The campaign culminates on Dec. 14, at which point the bus will be dispatched to a Marine Corps warehouse and the Maryland Food Bank.
Last year TU collected four tons of food, 13,000 toys and $1,300 in monetary donations. This year, the goal is to collect 20,000 donated food or toy items.
“We depend on TU students, faculty, staff and the neighboring Towson community, and they always come through for us and help us serve those in need,” says Young.