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Towson University receives BGE emergency response and safety grant

BGE grant check presentation

Pictured left to right: BGE Director of Communications & Corporate Relations Valencia McClure, Baltimore County Fire Chief John Hohman, BGE CEO Calvin G. Butler, Jr., Interim Towson University President Dr. Timothy J.L. Chandler, and Vice President of University Advancement Dr. Gary Rubin.

The Towson University Foundation received a 2015 Baltimore Gas and Electric (BGE) Emergency Response and Safety grant Thursday morning during a press conference in the Minnegan Room at Towson’s Unitas Stadium Field House.

In its third year, BGE’s program is designed specifically to support its partners in emergency response and safety efforts and has provided nearly $1 million since the program’s inception. Forty-eight organizations from all over the state received grants; Towson University was the only institute of higher education recognized.

“We are proud to be the only higher education recipient of this grant,” said Timothy Chandler, Towson University interim president. “It is precisely this type of educational outreach and expertise that we, as an institution of higher learning should be providing to our greater community, and we are honored to have BGE’s support for this effort. This grant will make a difference in our community. Many thanks to BGE for partnering with us in providing this and so many other important educational initiatives.”

BGE chief executive officer Calvin G. Butler, Jr. said he was grateful for his organization’s partnership with the university, recalling his participation in a joint Earth Day celebration on Towson’s campus last April.

“BGE is committed to maintaining the highest standards of safety and reliability for our employees, our customers and the communities in which we live and work, and naturally we have a strong appreciation for the critically important role the volunteer emergency response and safety organizations play throughout the state of Maryland,” Butler said.

(photo credit: BGE Flickr)

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