Dr. Martha James-Hassan, director of graduate programs in Towson University’s kinesiology program, is sworn in as a member of Baltimore City’s Board of School Commissioners by Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake.
Towson University’s Martha James-Hassan, Ed.D was named to the Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners on Jan.5. where she was sworn in by Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake.
James-Hassan is the director of graduate programs in Towson University’s kinesiology program and an assistant professor in the department.
The board, featuring nine community members and one student representative, has a mission stating it are responsible for “excellence in education for every child at every level by focusing on quality instruction, managing systems efficiently, and sustaining a culture of excellence.”
“I’m honored because it really is a privilege to be selected to serve,” James-Hassan said. “Working with kids and helping them succeed feeds my soul and gets me out of bed in the morning.”
The board’s primary responsibilities include overseeing the budget and policies of the district. Another key responsibility is making long-term decisions for the district, while also meeting immediate needs in the school.
Before taking a position at Towson University, James-Hassan spent nearly 20 years working in the K-12 urban education. With her appointment to the board, James-Hassan was hoping to apply her experience in higher education to her new position.
With her appointment to the board, James-Hassan was hoping to apply her experience in higher education to her new position and meeting all these goals.
“Towson and the city’s schools can work together and address city shortages,” James-Hassan said. “It also has an impact on my research and helps how I design and teach my classes.”
James-Hassan is already using this experience in her teaching, allowing some of her classes to meet with the board and experience what it was like to be part of the policy making.
With her appointment, the Board of School Commissioners, James-Hassan will be able to use all her experiences to help the city’s school district. Lisa Plowfield, dean of the College of Health Professions, said the board can benefit by having expert faculty as members.
“I am pleased to see our faculty involved in issues related to educational policy and working closely with Mayor Rawlings-Blake,” Plowfield said. “Dr. James-Hassan’s appointment will help keep our local legislators and representatives informed as they examine and build programs to support educational quality and success.”
James-Hassan was sworn into the position for a three-year term and will serve on the board sub-committee for teaching and learning as well as ad-hoc committees that may arise.