Major funding from state moves plans for one building forward, poses challenges for another
About Christine Collins
Author Archive | Christine Collins

TU officially turns 150 (and we look good!)
Friday was Towson University’s official 150th birthday, and frankly, we’re pretty spry for our age.

High society – TU prof talks 1800s opiate addiction on C-SPAN3
Drinking was not allowed. Opiates were a different story.

Pomp and circumstance: 1,400+ new Tiger stripes earned
With grand ceremony (and a “Star Wars” reference), Towson’s alumni community grows

Chandler: “We are very good but we can be great. Help me get there.”
At town hall meeting, interim president seeks “check-up” on campus, shares goals for university well-being

Community focus puts outgoing education dean in the national spotlight
National award recognizes Ray Lorion’s distinguished contribution to community psychology research

It’s pomp and circumstance time for TU’s 150th graduating class!
Spring ceremonies mark beginning of celebrations for new alums and the entire university

No ribbon? No scissors? No problem!
Storm delays, but does not dampen, Towson’s 150th anniversary celebration

Special message about Baltimore unrest
Interim President Chandler is “in full support” of effort to create “safe spaces” for “Hard but essential work.”

Interim President Chandler issues statement regarding Baltimore unrest
Despite unfounded rumors, no credible threats in Towson area
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