Forum will be held on Saturday, February 27 from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Minnegan Room.
Tag Archives | Experts

Fisher ant expert J.S. LaPolla publishes paper on newly discovered ant species
All 12 represent species new to science, and all are long extinct yet some represent genera that still exist.

High society – TU prof talks 1800s opiate addiction on C-SPAN3
Drinking was not allowed. Opiates were a different story.

RESI reaches out to county schools’ Signature Programs
Signature programs connect students and teachers with local community and business leaders to bring an element of the “real world” into the classroom.

Celebrating 50 Years of PAGS and Dr. Henry Chen
Chen is a veritable gold mine of facts, figures, names and dates about Fisher College and Towson University.

Breaking the “school to prison pipeline”
A panel of the region’s top community leaders and youth educators come together to discuss the climate of education in Baltimore.

CHP to host sports industry speed networking night
Students will cycle through in 5-minute increments starting at 7:15 p.m. and continuing until 8:30 p.m.

Fisher College open house shows kids that science rocks!
During the event, children took part in demonstrations designed to introduce them to different careers in science.

What would you change about Towson?
Eight Project Towson presenters are ready to show how they would transform Towson University and the community

Nicole Sherrod shares what’s next for Wall Street
TD Ameritrade’s Nicole Sherrod sees social media and Millenials as major financial players in the near future.
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