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Special message about Baltimore unrest

Interim President Chandler is “in full support” of effort to create “safe spaces” for “Hard but essential work.”

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TUPD helping students “walk safe” this spring

Effort focuses on preventing distracted walking—a common factor in pedestrian-involved accidents.

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Towson University community comes together Thursday for a successful “Teach In”

“Towson has a mission and values written down on paper, but today you really saw it in action.”

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Two campus “teach-ins” hope to open dialogue on unrest in Baltimore

The “teach-ins” will occur Thursday, April 30 at 2 p.m. in the Potomac Lounge and Monday, May 4 at 11 a.m. in Chesapeake I & II.

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Interim President Chandler issues statement regarding Baltimore unrest

Despite unfounded rumors, no credible threats in Towson area

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Out of the Darkness logo

TU works to bring suicide prevention “out of the darkness”

TU is hosting a walk to raise money and awareness for suicide prevention on May 3.

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Polls prepare to open for SGA Officer Elections

Students will be able to vote both online and at polling places around campus.

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The Big Event 2015

More than 1,900 students brave the cold (and the snow!) for “The Big Event”

“Thank you for sponsoring The Big Event and sending such a wonderful group of students to our home.”

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Ravens’ Justin Tucker helps students get a leg up on job search

“I wanted people to come here tonight and not be judged on a piece of paper but be able to tell their story,”

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Dr. Nancy Grasmick to host signature forum discussion on public education, charter schools

Tuesday’s forum will feature a panel discussion on the merits of charter schools.

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